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We've made it easier to manage recovery than it is to manage misery


Detox and recovery have never been easier with MAT Recovery Centers advanced technologies and innovative options for improved outcomes.

Addiction is a medical disease.

Not a mental weakness.

Rewire your brain

Rewire your brain Stay in control Recover on your terms!

Addiction is a medical disease.

Not a mental weakness.

Every year we learn more about the genetic and chemical factors driving substance use disorders, and every year we get better at hacking the brain to combat defects in biology.

Today, we have access to game changing technology that has the power to change the trajectory of addiction in this country.

Scientifically supported by

Recovery empowered by technology

Recovery empowered by technology

By bundling medication assisted treatment methods with revolutionary technology, we have developed a new type of outpatient treatment program.

Purposely built to empower people to recover within the framework of their lives.

Our integrated care model features:




Gene Test Your Meds

With an easy to administer swab, this genetic test evaluates an individual’s ideal medication regiment to maximize the benefits and minimize the side effects of prescription drugs, ensuring one prescription doesn’t adversely impact the other.

  • Analyze genes to understand medication interactions

  • Better personalize your medication

  • Reduced mismatched medications & dosages

  • Reduced adverse drug events, side effects & safety risks

  • US Patented, HIPAA compliant, and FDA approved

Gene Test

Clarify with AI

Powered by Clairity

Clarify leverages state of the art artificial intelligence to analyze language biomarkers, inflection, and flow to identify an individual’s current risk level for suicide, anxiety, and depression.

If there is an immediate risk, YOU will be connected with a clinical specialist.

Clarify with Ai

Addiction Medication

Prescribed addiction medications will assist in management, detoxing, and long-term abstinence without the intrusive cravings that derail many well-intentioned people seeking sobriety. 

With these medications, it allows you to focus on the behavioral tools that will lead to a drug or alcohol free life.  

Addiction Medication

Addiction Recovery TeleMed Technology

Access your program in an intuitive therapy app. Our interactive recovery platform allows you the convenience to recover on YOUR TERMS.

With telemed therapy, peer support, and group programs available, it removes the hurdles of rushing to appointments. With easy interactive scheduling, that allows you to work on recovery within the framework of your life.

Addiction Recovery TeleMed Technology

MAT Detox Device Technology

Prescribed comfort medications combined with advanced detox technology will assist in giving an effective and comfortable outpatient detox experience. 

The MAT Detox Device (MDD) is a small electrical nerve stimulator placed behind a patient’s ear. It stimulates the cranial nerves in the ear to aid in the reduction of withdrawal symptoms.

It is a compassionate and effective detox solution. 

Detox Technology

Your life’s new path to freedom.

Our technologies at MAT Recovery Centers pave a new path to freedom from addiction and you deserve to be on it.

At MAT Recovery Centers, we have created a program designed to jumpstart your journey, make treatment more convenient, and improve outcomes like never before.

What we treat:

Opioid Addiction

Alcohol Addiction


Anxiety, Depression & Sleep Disorders





Our innovative services feature:

U.S. Patented, HIPAA Compliant, and FDA Approved Technologies

Health Screening & Monitoring

Counseling & Peer Support

Peak Performance Coaching

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Licensed Clinicians and Addictionologist

Leading Pharmacogenetics Laboratory Services

User Friendly App & Measurable Outcomes

Step 01

Find a center.

Step 02

Contact us.

Step 03

Start on your new path to freedom from addiction.

Get Help



Innovative, Life-Saving Treatment

“They are the cutting edge of alcohol rehabilitation today and are doing things that no one else is doing and it literally saved my life. It was my saving grace. It was a godsend. There's not enough that I could say about it.”

~ Child Actor, Jeremy Miller


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